One week down- and another week closer to the end of lock-down! [We hope!]
Another Eventful Week
Phew- it’s been another eventful week with plenty of kindness throughout the local areas. Our Street ambassadors delivered another community news drop across Tain, the meals on wheels drivers delivered face-masks to those who requested via their meal deliveries, and we distributed reply letters from those self-isolating to the pupils of local schools.
Our Community Impact
In light of people going back to work, we have put together our impact summary during COVID-19 & you can find details of our communal involvement here:
The positive response to our activities has been overwhelming- and we appreciate all the feedback and support. On a daily basis you don't seem to notice the collective level; so when it's been collated together- it's amazing to see the impact created. And it's been incredible to be a part of.
Back To Work
The government have issued guidance about returning to work regarding restarting business operations. The current guidance states that where possible- if you can work from home, you should. Further details on which sectors are able to restart, or can prepare to return to work are available here.
Our community, and within the highlands, is reliant on tourism & hospitality to drive the region’s economic activity. Although the date of the 15th July has been given to begin the recovery, businesses need to ensure they return in alignment with government guidelines. You can find out more here.
Expect The Unexpected
In preparation for reopening the economy- we thought we would share some useful links to help keep you on track:
The Apprentice Store - if you are struggling to adapt your operations to digital, they deliver a range of projects to help businesses, including: Cyber Security, IT Consultancy, IT Support & Web Development.
Opportunity 4 Business - Implemented by The Chamber of Commerce, this initiative is an advertising platform for local business within the Highlands and Islands region, covering sectors such as: Construction, Life Sciences, Energy, & Aquaculture.
Whale Like Fish- local PR company have created a package for the tourism sector to help promote awareness to your business
DSL Business Finance- digital development loans are available where businesses can apply for up to £100k for digitisation at 0%!!
Thank you to all those who have donated money to help support the Trust. To help us continue our work in the community, you can make a donation via Paypal [] or email us at if you would prefer to make a payment via bank transfer.
Stay safe as always.