What a week! We’ve been so lucky with the warm weather!
Busy As Ever
As ever it’s been a busy time, not least because our director Dave MacRae returned to work for essential training- which left Caitlin and Coral to coordinate another leaflet drop via the ambassador scheme and the meals on wheels provision across the community. The team also packed almost 1000 activity bags for the primary school children across the Ward- and sincere thanks to our funders, Tain ASG headteachers and their staff for helping to distribute the bags.
Social Business Start-up School in Easter-Ross
The Social Business Start-up School in Easter Ross, created by the Social Enterprise Academy (SEA), is now online. It is open to anyone locally planning a new social enterprise or socially focused business. The start-up school runs for 18 months, and include: coaching support, workshops around enterprise development, plus an online library of leadership and enterprise resources. For further details, and to book online, click here.
Save Our TSB
Local MP Jamie Stone is organising a petition to prevent the closure of TSB on the High Street. Given the current circumstances, this will increase the challenges for those vulnerable community members affected by COVID-19. TSB even ignored the offer of a meeting and committed to closing their branch in Tain. To stop this from happening, you can sign the petition here.
Scottish Government Lock-down Update
While it is tempting to, according to health officials lock-down is not over [just modified to allow outdoor activity]. It is essential the adhere to guidance, such as: travelling more than around 5 miles from your home for leisure or visiting tourist hot-spots. Refusing to do so puts yourself and others at increased risk, and heightening the likelihood of restrictions being re-administered. So please be responsible.
Goodbye For Now
The team have also said a [virtual] goodbye to our Community Development Manager Maureen Ross- who has taken the decision to retire. Thank you so much for your contribution, and we wish you all the very best!
Don't forget: we have a ‘news’ section on our website [https://www.tainddtrust.com/news]. You can also keep update via our social media channel- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & LinkedIn.